Saturday, 17 December 2011

Experiences travelling with kids... trial in patience or wonderful experience ?

What a great experience travelling with kids. Yes, depending on the age of your children, you can have times or days of problems, complaining, etc... But,,, try to make the best of it. Put on the better face, re-assess the particular situation that has the kids in a fit and turn it around. A day grumpy, or complaining about something is always a day wasted I say.

We were in Switzerland and our kids were having a difficult time as the weather was bad, so the complaining started along with boys flighting,, great stuff. Yes, as a parent it gets on the nerves just a HUGE bit... But,,, take that step aside, compose yourself and re-enter the situation with a clear head, and hopefully so ideas on how to entertain the kids or at least find something new to change there attitude towards whatever the problem may be.

Sometimes with young, young children it is going to be very hard to get them out of a complaining mode, so the day unfortunately may need to go by the side, and you will just have to re-try the next day. We always found it good to talk with the kids you are having a bad day with at the end of the day right when the are getting off to sleep. Nothing major,,, just a re-visit of the day and make them aware that you feel the day was not good and that hopefully they ( the child) can change and be better as tomorrow is a new day. When doing this,,, we have always got a positive response out of our kids...

With the travels over the years we have done with the boys, it has been a mix, however overall, I think we are about 75% good travel days, and 25 % bad travel days.... I don't care what anyone says.... this is a great ratio ...... If you told someone who trades stocks that they would be having positive outcomes 75 % of the time,,,,, you would be considered a Wall Street Guru !!!! So,,, with travelling with the kids , the parenting and life lessons still continue... How we as the kids parents handle the situations in our travels and overall, will affect the kids in how they approach, or deal with their own future situations,,, but,,, it is also a test for you as the parent in the now of life...

All of our friends that have done extensive travel with their children always have stories to tell, both good and bad..... but once the trips are over and they are back to the regular grind,,,, one thing always happens and that is this. The next time after there trip that they look up and go through the old pictures on their Apple TV or product alike,,,, they smile and have vivid memories and flashes of all the good and great times on those trips,,,,,, they NEVER vividly recall and dwell on those bad aspects of the trips..... ok,,, ok,,, for those of you that actually due sometimes re-call those points,,,, you likely still smile and have a good little laugh.

Happy Travelling to you and your kids... Explore this world and bring it closer to yourselves...


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