Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Getting there..... the faster the better

So, you have planned your getaway travel to Europe with your kids. What's next? Making the travel arrangements of course. Easy.... Well, it could be,,, or it could be a disaster.

Yes, focus on your budget and overall costs and plans associated to getting where you are heading. Remember, lowest ticket prices may not always be the best way to go or the most less stressful shall we say. When travelling to Europe with our kids, the first thing we look at is the price per ticket, then we look at the route, then we look at the total amount of travel time.

The price usually is the largest factor in many peoples decisions. Yes, you don't want to overpay, however, look at the route as well. Does a different route get you closer to your final destination ? or is there a better connection point. Sometimes, you can find different connection points to get to that will utimately have better inter-Eruope flights that you can buy as one offs. There used to be a company called Sky Europe that had unbeleivable cheap rates ,,,, before it went under. There are still lots though. Ryan Air is an example.

The shortest flight route is always best for Travelling to Europe with Kids we say,,,, especially when travelling during the day,,,,, if you were so unlucky to have to fly to Europe during the day. When we fly, we get night flights for the longest portion of the flight. Have the kids sleeping on their own schedule for more than half or three quarters of the flight is always a stress helper.

We travel to Europe with our kids and go for the night flights to Frankfurt, Heathrow or a few other easy to get from airports once you land.

Not to forget.... connection times and stay overs !!! Connection times can massively add to your stress levels when travelling for a long time to Europe with your kids.... for sure.... so try and get a short connection where if there are problems,,,, the airlines will compensate you with later flights.... Also,,, stay away from stay overs unless you plan to actually visit the place you landed in. If not, get through to your first destination as quick as possible. Why ??? because a night in a Hotel will add a large debit to your account that you may initally miss when booking your tickets....

So, be careful when booking , get a good price, good connections and the shortest route and fly / connections times....

Happy travels to Europe with your kids....

Monday, 23 January 2012

Sometimes you need to take a day off.... even when on vacation

Some of the best vacations we have had with our kids and that we have heard about from our friends and family members are filled with all the stories of what they did, where they visited and most importantly what they saw.

But,,,, what about the part of relaxation ? Well, going to Mexico for two weeks is a time for rest from a your regular routine. A time to recharge your batteries as they say. But, when you go to Europe with your kids, it is a fun filled (and I mean seriously filled) adventure of visiting people and places. That continuous routine of visits and exploring will tire out even the healthiest and most adventurous of parents.

So,,, what about a day off ? Huh ? What ? I am serious... Now, what does this actually mean. Well let's take a look at some ideas that can be used to re-charge you:

1) When travelling through Europe I know many many times we either come into a piazza where young kids either play, have fun at the local water fountain or are kicking a soccer ball around. You know what, have your kids join in while you sit at the nearby caffe and relax. Most places, cities and parents in the foreign land you are in will greet you with open arms as you have kids too... you will see such fantastic smiles on your kids faces that you can take very memorable pictures of.

2) Travel through the country and you will see lots of areas, parks, etc. where you can just stop the car or get off the bus and hang out at. In Switzerland as an example, we have been there for their national holiday and went into the mountains. Nothing but lush grass, views and fun times. Always pack a flat soccer ball with a small carry along pump that you can bring out at any time. We did that in this situation and it worked out so well. Get to the destination and settle in, then let the kids go and have their fun. Chances are like us, you will get a good few hours of resting for you and the kids are doing something that the regular local kids are doing and will have some great relaxing times.

3) What else ??? Really anything. The main thing is to take a break from the routine of whatever you have planned is. Kids are good most of the time, but if your European travelling with your children takes on a long winded and tiring routine, the kids are going to let you know about it. Either verbally or through a well placed temper tantrum in a nice local place where everyone can stare at you..... Yep,,,, has happened with us too....

Travelling to Europe with your kids is such a great experience. You can educate them through taking them to new places, seeing history and just by being with your kids. However, all things have a shelf life, and as such, we as the parents need to remember that the kids are just that,,,, kids,,,, and they need to be that even on vacation.... so take that day off and get recharged,,,, and most of all create a new kind of European kid vacation memory that they may hold in their minds for many years to come.

Until next time, Hope you have enjoyed this new read on vacationing advice for travelling with your kids through my favourite place,,,,, Europe !
